An interview with Jarren Heartwood

Interviewer: Mr. Heartwood, it’s exciting to finally meet you. Your story is almost legendary. Could you please tell me about yourself?
Jarren: Did you know that the Rot empowers feelings and emotions such as hatred and indifference?
Interviewer: I thought I was the one asking the questions (Chuckles). Perhaps you could start with your mother? As I understand it, you were close.
Jarren: The fighting between the Flares of the Sun and the Shadow Academy has to stop. (Glances at the empty parchment) You should really write this down.
Interviewer: I’m interested in the story of Jarren Heartwood. Tell me about your training. From what I hear, not everyone survives the Shadow Academy training.
Jarren: Whatever you heard, it’s probably worse. But I only joined to get revenge.
Interviewer: Did you get it? Your revenge?
Jarren: (Shrugs) Yes and no.
Interviewer: (Leans back in his chair) What can you tell me about your companions: Ameida, Sepheus, and the mysterious Ithea?
Jarren: Sepheus is a Gjandir warrior. Ameida is easier to be around, and the power of her spell will be needed in what’s to come. And Ithea… (scratches his chin)
Interviewer: (Nods encouragingly)
Jarren: She’s a dryad.
Interviewer: (Rolls his eyes) After what you’ve been through in the last few weeks, is that all you have?
Jarren: (Raises his eyebrow suspiciously) Her skin is green?
Interviewer: (Clears his throat uncomfortably) Was it luck that brought the four of you together? A flare, a Gjandir warrior, a dryad, and an assassin.
Jarren: (Grabs his chin, staring into the ceiling)
Interviewer: (Leans forward in the chair and puts the pen to the parchment)
Jarren: You should be writing about the Rot. People need to be warned about its effects and what is causing it.
Interviewer: (Pushes the chair back) I came to write your story, not some imaginary curse altering how we feel (Throws down the pen). Why do I even bother?
Jarren: (Gazes intensely at the interviewer) Our story will be written, but not by you and not before this is over. Sit and write what I tell you (Removes his dagger from its sheath).
Interviewer: (Swallows hard) P-Perhaps people should be warned about this terrible curse. (Picks up his pen) T-The Rot, you say?
Jarren: (Nods slowly, running his finger across the blade)
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