Short stories from Elonia lore

I love fantasy, and it wasn’t until a few years back I fully understood why. Fantasy shares a lot of aspects with other genres, but two things stand out—magic and world lore. Magic makes it cool, fun, and action-packed, but the worldbuilding is what ties everything together. Don’t get me wrong, if nothing but the worldbuilding works, the story will still suck. However, a story that can tie events and unanswered questions that happened decades or centuries before into the plot has me hooked every time.
I never stopped working on Elonia’s lore, and there is so much more to tell than the story of Jarren, Ameida, and Sepheus. From my newsletter in December 2022, I started adding short stories. These stories give more insight into what happened in Elonia before the Quadrant of Balance books takes place. So far, we have learned about Loknan, one of the first Gjandir warriors and his desperate hours before the war of darkness. And in the February edition, Gillea will find the Blazing Heart, the second of the great core crystals. Sign up to learn more.
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